Law Faculty Dean at OSCE Experts Meeting in Warsaw - MRU

13 November, 2015
Law Faculty Dean at OSCE Experts Meeting in Warsaw

Nov. 12th-13th, 2015 MRU Law Faculty Dean Prof. Lyra Jakulevičienė participated in the Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) experts' meeting held in Warsaw regarding the migration crisis.

Experts discussed, "The Migration Crisis in the Region: Problems of the Rights of Asylum Seekers, Migrants & Other Persons."

There were OSCE country members participating in the event including those from migration and asylum institutions as well as NGO and experts from the academic community.

The goal of the meeting was to exchange the latest information about the so-called "transit corridor." Also experts wanted to identify good asylum admissions practice in countries and prepare recommendations regarding protection of asylum-seekers rights.