Nov. 1st-2nd, 2018, Korean language teachers gathered at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) to attend the King Sejong Institute (KSI) organized conference, "Europe King Sejong Institute Workshop 2018."
Not only Korean language teachers and administrators, but also Korean cultural centre employees took part in discussions and training sessions.
MRU Vice-Rector for Education and Research Dr. Inga Žalėnienė addressed participants delivering the Opening Address along with KSI Fund President Hyounhwa Kang.
KSI Vilnius students took part in K-POP dance events and prepared special Korean drums.
Korea's Association in Lithuania President Mr. Kang also participated.
There were about 100 participants from various European countries.
KSI Fund representatives toured MRU's campus and also had an opportunity to become more closely acquainted with Vilnius.