Korean Choreographer Eun Sung Park: LT Clever & Passionate in Language-Learning - MRU

9 October, 2019
Korean Choreographer Eun Sung Park: LT Clever & Passionate in Language-Learning

Sept. 29th-October 9th, 2019, Korean dancer and choreographer Eun Sung Park led a dance workshop for students at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).

Some of the traditional Korean folk dances that she taught, will be performed Oct. 9th by 6 student dancers, during Korea's Alphabet Day, Hangul, celebrated on campus.

The traditional Korean folk dances are popular in Korea, especially during festivals, which occur monthly in Korea, she said.

In the traditional dance, there are special steps that must be learned and lots of arm movement. Park herself has been dancing about 30 years. She now travels the world teaching Korean folk dances to those interested in Austria, Amsterdam, Lisbon, the U.K. and Belgium.

She studied modern dance, ballet and traditional Korean dancing in Korea, but was always attracted to the traditional dances.

On her 5th visit to Lithuania, Park said she finds the winters "too cold," but summers "very beautiful." She said that Lithuanians are "very kind and gentle people who are passionate about learning languages and also clever.

"When I first came to Vilnius in 2014, you were using the Litas currency. Now it is the Euro. I noticed that prices for some things have gone up after the Euro was introduced, she said.