
5 November, 2015
Korean Ambassador Visited MRU Nov. 5th
King Sejong Institute
November 5th, 2015, Korea's Ambassador Ji-in Hong, residing in Warsaw (Poland), visited Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) and met with Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius. Ambassador Ji-in Hong was accompanied by Korea's Embassy Chancellor Jung-ha Kim.
Earlier MRU Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Inga Žalėnienė provided the guests with a tour of the MRU campus including the new MRU LAB building, which houses 19 laboratories.
MRU is successfully cooperating with South Korea's higher education institutions including Busan's Dongseo University (DSU) and Ajou University. Academic and student exchanges have been taking place between the higher education institutions.
Together with Dongseo University, MRU has implemented a joint Bachelor's Degree study programme, "Informatics and Digital Contents." Students in these studies programmes have the possibility to acquire diplomas from MRU and DSU.
Oct. 25th-30th, Digital and Creative Industries LAB Head Assoc. Prof. Tadas Limba visited Korea and lectured to DSU students.
From Oct. 10th, 2014, the King Sejong Institute Foundation and DSU successfully established the King Sejong Institute Vilnius, where students have the possibility to study Korean language and culture at MRU.
Currently there are more than 100 students enrolled in these programmes. Last semester 54 certificates were awarded to students who successfully completed Korean language and culture courses.