June 15th, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Prof. Mindaugas Maksimaitis, one of the most prominent members of the University academic community, was honoured on the occasion of his jubilee 90th birthday. It was a great opportunity to congratulate Prof. Maksimaitis and look back on his long and prolific academic career.
MRU in 2018 named a University auditorium (I-414) in his honour.
In 1956, Prof. Maksimaitis graduated with a Degree in Law. In 1963, after defending the law candidate's thesis dissertation at Vilnius University (nostrified on May 17th, 1993 as the degree of habilitated doctor of social sciences). He began his academic career at MRU (then called - the Lithuanian Academy of Law) in 1997. He was a Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law. In 2000, he took charge of the newly established Department of Legal History, which he headed for a decade. He taught at MRU until 2013.
A legal scholar, Prof. Maksimaitis is one of the most productive members of Lithuania's legal community. He has written and published over 200 scientific, methodological and other publications. His field of research included the history of Lithuanian law and legal thought. He concentrated on the development of pre-war Lithuanian constitutional law. Prof. Maksimaitis published the following monographs: Sources of Lithuanian Law 1918–1940 (2001), The State Council in the Lithuanian Legal System (1928–1940) (2006), The Council of Lithuania Restoring Statehood (2011). Prof. Maksimaitis' research and studies of Lithuanian constitutional law were crowned by a monumental monograph - History of the Constitutions of the State of Lithuania (first half of the 20th century) (2005).
Prof. Maksimaitis was born on June 13th, 1933 in Kėdainiai.