Japan's Toyohashi Mayor Visited with Delegation June 28th - MRU

29 June, 2017
Japan’s Toyohashi Mayor Visited with Delegation June 28th

June 28th, 2017, MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius welcomed Japan's Toyohashi Mayor Koichi Sahara and a delegation on a visit to MRU's campus. The city is home to Aichi University, one of MRU's partners.

Japan-Lithuania Exchange Center Head Kenjiro Tamaki was also part of the delegation.

Rector Monkevičius and the Mayor discussed furter cooperation possibilities with Aichi University. There was also discussion about preparations underway at Toyohashi ahead of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games that Japan will host.

The delegation toured the campus and was introduced to the activities of MRU's Asian Centre.