Sept. 5-7th, 2022, Italy's University of Macerata Assoc. Law Prof. Alessio Bartolacelli presented lectures to students of MRU's Joint Master's Degree programme, "European and International Business Law" as a Visiting Lecturer. He also visited Lithuania's Supreme Court.
Assoc. Prof. Bartolacelli lectured to international students within the framework of the course, "European and International Company Law" (coordinator - Prof. Virginijus Bitė), as well as met with the researchers and administration of the School of Law. He discussed issues of increasing mutual cooperation in study and research fields between both universities.
The Italian Law Professor also visited the Supreme Court of Lithuania. He presented a report to Lithuanian judges and other interested participants about the most interesting Italian court practice in the context of European Company Law.
Alessio Bartolacelli is an Associate Professor of Business Law and European Company Law at the Department of Law, University of Macerata, Italy, where holds the Jean Monnet Chair in Business Law in the European Union and Sustainable Economy, chairs the LLB Programme on International, European and Comparative Legal Studies (IECoLS) and is a member of the board of the PhD course in Law and Innovation. He was awarded his PhD in Business Law from the University of Brescia (2008). Before joining the University of Macerata (2015), he was a Research Fellow at the University of Trento (2008-2009) and the University of Bologna (2015). From 2011 to 2014, he was a Marie Curie & TRENTINO Fellow at the University of Trento, with a grant awarded by the European Commission and the Autonomous Province of Trento.
His main research interests include: Company Law, with a special focus on European Company Law and on SMEs. He is a member of the Editorial Staff of the Journals Giurisprudenza Commerciale and Orizzonti del Diritto Commercialem