Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Institute of Humanities (IOH) has joined the international project ELEXIS (European Lexicographic Infrastructure: Opening up Dictionaries and Lexicographic Resources), with observer status.
One of the major objectives of ELEXIS is to introduce common standards, develop conversion tools and, most importantly, will interconnect the existing resources so that they can be used to develop new modern data which can be used in ways that new digital technologies need.
Participation in the ELEXIS project will provide the researchers of IOH (MRU) with possibilities:
· to follow the latest developments in lexicography;
· to gain early access to open-access and open-source resources of the ELEXIS cloud infrastructure, which will host data, tools and services developed by the project;
· to take part in ELEXIS trainings and events.
Besides, ELEXIS activity is closely related with the international projects that IOH (MRU) researchers have been implementing:
COST Action CA18209 European network for Web-centered linguistic data science;
COST Action CA18231 Multi3Generation.
On 1 May 2020, MRU researchers together with Vytautas Magnus University are starting to implement a national project “Dvikalbis automatinis terminų atpažinimas” (Bilingual Automatic Term Recognition), funded by the Research Council of Lithuania. (The MRU researchers involved are: Prof. Dr. Sigita Rackevičienė (IOH), Assoc. Prof. Liudmila Mockienė (IOH), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marius Laurinaitis.)