On 18 – 19 April, Mykolas Romeris University will host the International Scientific Forum "Networking on Sustainable Security in the Dynamic Environment", organised by the Public Security Academy together with its partners General Jonas Žemaitis Lithuanian Military Academy and the Czech Police Academy.
The Forum, which has become a tradition, brings together around 100 speakers from more than 10 countries each year . This year's plenary session in Vilnius will be addressed by H.E. Kaimo KUUSK (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Estonia), Ramon LOIK (Hybrid Threat Analyst, Homeland Security Institute, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, former Advisor to the Estonian Ministry of the Interior (Tallinn, Estonia)), as well as Prof. David SCHULTZ (Professor of Political Science, Hamline University, USA), Prof. Matt WARREN (Director, Centre of Cyber Security Research and Innovation, RMIT University, Australia) and Rev. Col. Gintaras BAGDONAS (former Chief of the Lithuanian Military Academy, Head of the Special Mission of the Republic of Lithuania in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Director of the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence).
The Scientific Forum consists of several events: the 15th Conference "Contemporary Paradigms of Public Security", the 21st Conference "Development of Human Potential"; the Forum "Sustainable Security Network" and the cultural event "Science and Creativity in a Social and Cultural Environment".
The scientific forum "Networking on Sustainable Security in the Dynamic Environment" will take place on 18 April in Vilnius (Ateities str. 20) and on 19 April in Kaunas (Maironio g. 27), Lithuania. The Forum will be open for both physical and virtual participation.
Event programme: https://sustainsecure2024.mruni.eu/