Sept. 16th, 2019, the third national conference, "Investments in Sport" was held. It was organised within the project, Investments in Sport,or "iSport", which was co-funded by the Erasmus+: Sports Programme of the European Union (EU).
The purpose of the national conference was to open a dialogue between national policy makers and key stakeholders in sport, as well as representatives of the business sector, regarding the economic and social impact of investments in sport based on the "Guidelines on Investments in Sport" that were developed by the team of researchers on the iSport project.
The main objective of the conferences was to promote a better recognition of the contribution of sport to the overall goals of the Europe 2020 Strategy given the sector's strong potential to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and new jobs, and considering its positive effects on social inclusion, education and training as well as public health and active ageing.
Conference speakers were European experts in the field including: Themis Kokolakakis, Anna Kleissner, Guenther Grohall, and the iSport project leader Alma Papić and Vilma Čingienė as moderator.
Conference participants are policy makers on all levels of government in Lithuania, as well as the decision-makers from the sport sector and potential investors in sport infrastructure from the business sector. Participants will be able to actively take part in the discussion and share their perspectives on investments in sport.
The "Guidelines on Investments in Sport" were further discussed with the policy makers and other key stakeholders in Croatia, Cyprus, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom in 2019 and 2020. Participants’ input will be used to improve the final version of the "Guidelines on Investments in Sport", as well as for the development of the "Recommendations for Policy-makers".
Working languages were: English and Lithuanian
No simultaneous translation will be provided.
12:00-12:30 Registration and Welcome coffee
12:30-12:45 Welcome and Introduction
TBC, Representative of MRU
TBC, Representative of the Ministry of Sport
Alma Papic, NOC of Croatia
12:45-14:00 Presentation of the Guidelines on Investments in Sport
Dr. Anna Kleissner, SpEA
Guenther Grohall, SpEA
Dr. Themis Kokolakakis, SHU
14:00-14:45 Interactive discussion with participants
Moderator: Vilma Čingienė
14:45 -15:00 Conclusions and Closing
Alma Papic, Croatia's National Olympic Committee
Vilma Čingienė, Mykolas Romeris University
More about the project: