Introductory Week for MRU International, Exchange Students Aug. 25th-31st - MRU

25 August, 2022
Introductory Week for MRU International, Exchange Students Aug. 25th-31st
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Faculty of Human and Social Studies
International Students

Aug. 25th-31st, 2022, Introductory week events are underway for Mykolas Romeris Univesity (MRU) international, Erasmus exchange students who are beginning studies at the University.
During the fall semester 179 exchange and international students arrived on campus from more than two dozen countries in Europe and Asia.
The exchange students come from: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, Moldova, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Sakartvelo, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine.