From 16 to 29 October Master's students from the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in an internship at the Institute of Public Administration of the MRU Faculty of Public Governance and Business.
Prof. Andrius Stasiukynas, Director of the Institute of Public Administration, is convinced that "such international internships provide an opportunity not only to share knowledge and best practices of public sector organizations with representatives of other countries, but also to learn from the experience of the guests, to gain a different perspective and to take part in intercultural exchanges".
The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan trains Kazakh public sector managers at various levels, and therefore, internships were organized for them in various Lithuanian state institutions - the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, the Vilnius City Municipality, local communities, etc.
The lectures were delivered and consulted by MRU researchers and lecturers in public administration and economics, political science: prof. dr. Ona Gražina Rakauskienė, prof. dr. Vainius Smalskys, prof. dr. Aleksandras Patapas, prof. dr. Algirdas Astrauskas, prof. dr. Saulius Nefas, prof. dr. Andrius Stasiukynas, prof. dr. Arvydas Guogis, lecturer Rima Urbonaitė, dr. Laurynas Pakštaitis, etc., as well as the President of the Small and Medium Business Association Dalia Matukienė, the Head of the Public Enterprise "Circular Economy" Domantas Tracevičius, the member of Parliament Kęstutis Vilkauskas.
The students of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take back to their home country the best possible memories and useful experiences that they will be able to apply in improving the performance of public sector organizations in Kazakhstan.