
18 January, 2021
International Webinar on Higher Education in New Normal was Held
Jan. 14-15th, 2021, the international Webinar, "Higher Education in New Normal" was held.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a re-think about the scope of higher education in the new normal. Although, technological innovation is continuously introduced in teaching-learning, some questions need to be addressed. These include: access to higher education, technological gaps & challenges, and other issues related to reaching other stakeholders in higher education and achieving the ultimate objective. Consequently, it has become necessary for higher education institutes to conduct webinars where representatives from different sides can analyze the present situation. In addition, they can share best practices, and draw guidelines for the future befitting their socio-economic demography.
To celebrate events like – UNAI-10, IAU-70, and UN-75, the American International University – Bangladesh (AIUB) and the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) jointly organized the 2-day International Webinar, ‘Higher Education in New Normal’. This international webinar addressed issues and challenges related to higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Participants included: a representative from IAU, a representative from UNAI Academic & Administrative Staff, and students from MRU Academic & Administrative Staff, and AIUB students.
Webinar recordings can be found here: