Jan. 15th, 2015, a group of international experts, conducting an international comparative research analysis, visited Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). The experts met with MRU administration officials, lecturers from the Philosophy and Humanistics Institute and doctoral students.
The experts included Panel Chair Tilburg University Prof. Dr. Peter Jonkers and Prof. Dr. Juhani Klemola.
The first stage of the research analysis, which was conducted at the end of 2014, included a self-analysis and research work of all University Faculties. The second stage involves international expert visits to the university and meetings with Faculty representatives and Institute researchers.
Experts toured MRU's campus, visited the Library, met with University administration officials and were acquainted with University infrastructure.
The international comparative research analysis is widely used in international practice to improve quality of research activities. In Lithuania the analysis is administered by the Studies and Research Analysis Center (MOSTA).