The Government of the Republic of Lithuania has appointed four legal experts from Mykolas Romeris University as members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). These positions will be taken up by Associate Professor Goda Ambrasaitė-Balynienė from the Private Law Institute of MRU's Law School, who is also a judge of the Supreme Court; Professor Simona Drukteinienė from the Private Law Institute of MRU's Law School, who is also a practicing lawyer; Professor Danutė Jočienė from the Private Law Institute of MRU's Law School, who is a former Chairwoman of the Constitutional Court. Additionally, the mandate of the current PCA member, Professor Justinas Žilinskas from the International and European Union Law Institute of MRU's Law School, has been extended.
These lawyers were nominated by the Selection Committee for the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent invitations to participate in the selection process to the Lithuanian Bar Association, the National Judicial Administration, the Law School of Mykolas Romeris University, the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University and the Faculty of Law of Vytautas Magnus University.
Unlike a judicial court in the traditional sense, the PCA provides services of arbitral tribunal to resolve disputes that arise out of international agreements between member states, international organizations or private parties. The cases span a range of legal issues involving territorial and maritime boundaries, sovereignty, human rights, international investment, and international and regional trade. The PCA is constituted through two separate multilateral Hague conventions with a combined membership of 122 states.