International Conference "ICEP 2025": Call for Presentations in the Field of Environmental Psychology - MRU

11 September, 2024
International Conference “ICEP 2025”: Call for Presentations in the Field of Environmental Psychology

The biennial International Conference on Environmental Psychology "ICEP 2025" will take place in Vilnius from June 15 to 18, 2025. The event is organized by the Environmental Psychology Research Center team at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), in collaboration with the MRU Institute of Psychology. The organizers invite researchers from various fields to engage in discussions on climate change topics and present their research at the conference.

"ICEP 2025" will continue the rich tradition of previous environmental psychology conferences, which have been held in Aarhus, Syracuse, Plymouth, A Coruña, Groningen, Magdeburg, and Zurich, under the auspices of the Environmental Psychology Division of the International Association for Applied Psychology (IAAP). This year's conference will continue to focus on sharing the latest scientific findings and theoretical achievements in environmental psychology. It will be an important event for both experienced researchers and early-career scholars, as well as professionals in environmental psychology.

ICEP invites scientists from various fields to discuss human-environment relationships, covering both classic environmental psychology topics and issues related to the most recent global challenges, such as the climate crisis.

The aim of the conference is to foster collaboration between the field of psychology and other disciplines, such as economics, marketing, architecture, geography, and natural sciences. The event will promote professional networking and knowledge exchange among representatives of environmental psychology and related fields, encouraging joint efforts to address current global challenges and initiate necessary changes.

It is already confirmed that during "ICEP 2025" keynote speakers on environmental psychology topics will include Prof. Dr. hab. Maria Lewicka (Poland), Prof. Matthew Hornsey (Australia), Dr. Anke Blöbaum (Germany), and Prof. Dr. Audronė Telešienė (Lithuania).

Those interested not only in attending the conference but also in presenting their work in the field of environmental psychology are invited to submit abstracts. Abstract submission will open on October 15, 2024. We encourage researchers to actively engage in discussions on climate change topics and present their research at the conference.

More information about abstract submission can be found on the conference website.