InclusU Members Join Forces for More Inclusive Universities - MRU

6 March, 2020
InclusU Members Join Forces for More Inclusive Universities

Eight European universities have decided to join forces to answer the second pilot Erasmus+ call for projects for "European University" and Feb. 26th submitted a project to create the European University for Inclusiveness.

InclusU, the European University for Inclusiveness, is composed of eight universities, stretching from east to west, from north to south, located in territories with diverse profiles, and embedded in a strong network of international partners and stakeholders from the economic sector and society.

They include: the University of Lille (France), Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania), Malmö University (Sweden), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), the University of Minho (Portugal), Roma Tre University (Italy), the European University Viadrina (Germany) and the University of Wroclaw (Poland). The members of InclusU share the same values, strategy and long-term vision: become a champion of university inclusiveness in governance, learning, teaching, research and engagement.

The European Union and the wider world around us are indeed experiencing a time of upheaval. European societies are facing major challenges in a range of areas, which often result in the exclusion and marginalisation of vulnerable groups.The answer to these challenges lies in knowledge and inclusion. More than ever, Europe needs Universities, those that are key players in society where knowledge is produced and disseminated, and inclusion can, and should be, a priority and reality.

The members of InclusU joined forces to invent a new model of university, more inclusive and better equipped to address these challenges.

InclusU partners want to take European cooperation to the next level. That means the governance of this European university will be shared, involving students and staff, as well as representatives from the Regions associated partners, offering more innovative learning and teaching programs based on this new holistic approach of Inclusiveness.

InclusU broadens and deepens the participation of students, staff and stakeholders through teaching, learning and research activities on European identity, employability, welfare, and digitalisation, as well as through original platforms on sustainable internationalisation and social innovation, thus contributing to developing solutions and capitalising on the pivotal role of universities. Among its wide range of tasks and deliverables, InclusU focuses on the project's implementation via transnational tailor-made modules, double degrees and micro-credentials for a multidimensional recognition of the learners’ skills and competences.

In order to strengthen the links between the universities associated with the project, a second rectors’ meeting was organized on February 12th at the University of Lille in partnership with the Hauts-de-France region. Rectors and vice-rectors of these eight universities, the vice-presidents and directors of the international relations departments participated in the event.