Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) maintains a high position in terms of competition in the international study sphere and is one of the leaders in social sciences in Lithuania, institutional rankings of universities published by the magazine “Reitingai” shows.
In assessing the competition of universities in the international study sphere, the organizers included in the ranking the number of accredited foreign language programs, accredited joint programs, as well as statistics of foreign students studying at the university. Students, arriving and planning studies abroad via the Erasmus academic exchange program, are also included as are academic staff exchanges, foreign academic staff .
This year, MRU received the best marks in terms of the ratio of accredited joint degree programs with foreign universities compared to all accredited study programs. The University is among the leaders in terms of the number of undergraduate foreign students studying in an entire degree program and pursuing a degree relative to the total number of undergraduate and full-time students. Also according to the ratio of foreign students of the second cycle and non-degree, residency study programs studying the entire study program and pursuing a degree to the total number of students of the second cycle and non-degree, residency study programs. The university has also shown excellent results in terms of the exchange of academic staff and foreigners of academic staff working on a regular basis with all lecturers.
The internationality of the university, the promotion of "internationality at home" remains a priority among the University's activities. In 2021, the number of study programs offered in English increased - this year the University offers 11 first-cycle and even 20 second-cycle study programmes.
The university offers not only English-language programs in which young people study from all over the world, but also double-diploma programmes, which are run by lecturers from a foreign university offering such a diploma. Such studies offer students the opportunity to acquire the necessary professional competencies and skills, to successfully become part of not only national, but also international labor markets.
MRU will continue to pay close attention to the training of lecturers and researchers focused on international academic careers. In addition, close attention will be paid to their inclusion in the international research area. Internationalization of doctoral studies will be actively encouraged.