With deep sadness, we inform you that Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis, Dean of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business at Mykolas Romeris University, passed away suddenly at the age of 50. Professor was a long-time employee of Mykolas Romeris University, who devoted a lot of time and energy to the activities of the University and promoted the name of MRU in the world.
During his academic journey, the Dean has spent more than 25 years researching the field of information technology law, personal data protection and cyber security issues, cybercrime and the legal regulation of biometric technologies. Prof. Dr. D. Štitilis was one of the main researchers who developed the Lithuanian Cyber Security Strategy Model. He evolved and successfully led the study program "Cybersecurity Management". In 2021, he co-founded and led the Australian Lithuanian Cybersecurity Research Network (ALCRN) with colleagues at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The Dean was always tenacious, responsible, and enjoyed interacting with students.
Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis has published more than 50 scientific articles, many of which are included in Web of Science and/or Scopus and other databases. He regularly participated in scientific conferences in Lithuania and abroad, where he presented scientific papers and results of project activities. In order to promote the name of the University, he was actively involved in the training of doctoral students, and prepared national and international research program projects.
The community of Mykolas Romeris University will always remember Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis not only as the colleague who created and promoted the name of Mykolas Romeris University, but also as an exceptionally hard-working, bright, kind-hearted, and very sincere person for whom the human being always came first.
A farewell to Prof. Dr. Darius Štitilis will take place this Thursday from 11 am to 9 pm in Vilnius, J. Matulaičio a. 3, Hall 3 (under Pal. Jurgis Matulaitis Church). The relatives ask to honor his memory with a symbolic flower blossom.
Prof. Dr. D. Štitilis will be buried in Žiežmariai. The funeral will be private according to the wishes of the relatives.