With deep sadness, we announce the March 17th sudden death of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Prof. Vitalija Rudzkienė. She was a professor at MRU, an academic, researcher and a former Dean of the MRU Economics and Finance Management Faculty from 2005-2010. She was 71 years old.
She began her academic career at MRU in 2000, when she was a lecturer in the Economics and Finance Management Faculty. Previously she had lectured at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU). Several years later she became a Dean at the MRU Economics and Finance Management Faculty. She lectured in the area of statistics, statistical analysis methods, statistical management technologies and legal statistics. She actively engaged in developing ties with social partners and partners abroad. She was always dynamic, full of energy and loved teaching and meeting with students and provided them with consultations and her recommendations.
During her academic career, she published more than 90 research publications, many of which were included in the Web of Science and other databases. She undertook research at Italy's University of Pavia and at Spain's University of Catalonia.
She presented her research findings in more than 50 research conferences organized not only in Lithuania, but also abroad and was actively engaged in preparing doctoral students and preparing national and international research programme projects.