Students of Mykolas Romeris University’s (MRU) Singing Studio, headed by long-time University pedagogue Choirmaster Vitalija Semeniukienė, along with the Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy (VDU SA) Choir, “Ave Vita,” conducted by pedagogue Kastytis Barisas, presented an unusual holiday gift – a concert- to Lithuania. It marks the upcoming holidays in Lithuania. Taking into account the COVID-19 situation, it was decided to record the concert for the general public and place the recorded concert in the LRT.lt website’s media section (Mediateka).
It is not the first time that the two choirs have cooperated and organized a concert together. They organize joint concerts in all of Lithuania preparing for the Song Festival and other events. Choir heads and students are happy that they can share their holiday programme with listeners and a wider audience. This will be a chance to listen to world-renowned composers from the comfort of your home.
The concert of nine carefully selected works was recorded together with soloist Aušra Čepanone, flutist Ūla Petraityte, and guitarist Robertas Semeniukas. The festive project brought together a collective group of almost 30 singers. The choir was conducted by Gintarė Barisaitė-Mitkuvienė, and the piano accompanist was Vitalija Semeniukienė.
Viewers will be fascinated by the especially diverse program, which does not lack the traditional, the works of classical sacred music and everyone’s favorite Christmas carols.
The concert recording is here.