June 22nd, 2022, during graduation ceremonies at the Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Faculty of Human and Social Studies, international student Sina Dehghani from Iran said "we'll keep climbing, as though on an unending ladder, to new heights we've never seen before."
Make sure you are "on the ladder that you truly want to be," he told the graduating class gathered at the Faculty of Human and Social Studies' graduation ceremony held outdoors on campus.
MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė awarded him and a number of other international students, studying in the "Social Work with Children and Youth" programme, Master's Degree diplomas. The joint degree programme is implemented together with Latvia's Riga Stradins University.
Pakistani Muhammed Saleem and Serdar Osman Dobur from Turkey were equally overjoyed at completing studies at MRU and on June 22nd also received their Master's Degree diplomas. Saleem said he plans to return to Pakistan, while Dehghani has already found a job in Lithuania.
"Our contribution will be defined not by how much money we make or how many awards we get, but by how we share our unique gifts with the world," Dehghani said during the ceremony. "And the only place to seek such gifts is within yourself," he added.
There were approximately 160 graduates that were awarded diplomas during the ceremony. Several students graduated at the top of the class (with a 9,5 average) and were awarded Leader's diplomas including: Arnoldas Dalinkevičius, Evelina Valaitytė, Milda Viltrakytė, Dalia Valeikienė and Jurgita Baltušienė.
(in center photo from left to right: M. Saleem, S. Dehghani and Serdar Osman Dobur)