June 29-30th, 2015, graduates of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Faculty of Politics and Management were awarded diplomas.
MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and Faculty Dean Assoc. Prof. Virginijus Valentinavičius handed out diplomas during ceremonies on campus.
During the 2 graduation days, a total of 455 graduates received diplomas. Of this number, 182 graduates were awarded diplomas on Monday, June 29th.
On June 29th, during the morning ceremony, Seimas member Prof. Kęstutis Masiulis awarded diplomas to graduates. During the afternoon ceremony, Korea's Dongseo University (DSU) President Dr. Jekuk Chang and Seimas State Administration and Local Authorities Committee Bureau Head Bronius Kleponis awarded diplomas.
June 30th, Rector Monkevičius and Environment Deputy Minister Linas Jonauskas awarded diplomas to Master's Degree graduates of the Faculty during a morning ceremony. There were a total of 273 diplomas awarded to graduates of Master's Degree programmes, of which 115 were awarded during a morning ceremony.
During the afternoon ceremony, Internal Affairs Ministry Public Management Policy Dept. Director Paulius Skardžius participated in the graduation ceremony and handed out diplomas.
MRU Senate members, Faculty Insitute Heads, professors, lecturers, friends and family members of the graduates came to the ceremonies with bouquets of flowers to congratulate the smiling grads.