June 23rd, 2015, diplomas were awarded to graduates of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Law Faculty.
There were 173 Bachelor's Degree diplomas awarded and 288 Master's Degree diplomas (of which 132 were full-time students) during the morning and afternoon ceremonies on campus.
During the morning graduation session, MRU Vice-Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė awarded graduates diplomas along with MRU Prof. Rimvydas Norkus handed out diplomas to the graduates.
MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and Law Faculty Vice-Dean Prof. Snieguolė Matulienė awarded diplomas to graduates during the afternoon session.
Two top Master's Degree students from the joint "European and International Business Law" (EIBL) programme, who graduated with honours, were awarded Leader diplomas. They were: Monika Dapkutė and Martynas Jablonskis.
University of Savoie Law Faculty Vice-Dean Aleksander Guigue congratulated graduates by way of video.
Leader diplomas are awarded to students with excellent grade point averages and near-perfect examination scores.
At the graduation ceremony, MRU's Pop Vocal Group performed for graduates and their families.
Lithuanian Bar Association Chairman MRU Prof. Ignas Vėgėlė was on hand at the ceremony along with Supreme Court Justices.
The morning session was special because it was the first time the joint EIBL programme students graduated (11 students). They received diplomas from two universities: MRU and France's University of Savoie.
Joint Master's Degree diplomas were also awarded to students of the European Union Law and Management programme implemented together with France's University of Bordeaux.