
25 January, 2023
Graduation Day at MRU’s Faculty of Public Governance & Business
Faculty of Public Governance and Business
Jan. 25th, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė told graduates of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business that they have great prospects for a successful career having completed studies that are in demand in the job market.
"You can be proud of yourselves," she told graduates gathered for graduation ceremonies on campus as friends, relatives and acquaintances watched holding bouquets of flowers in their hands to give to graduates after the ceremony ended.
In her congratulatory address, Rector Prof. Žalėnienė told graduates that the world which they are entering will offer no easy paths. She reminded graduates that at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos world business, political, cultural and societal leaders recently discussed upcoming challenges and called 2023 the year of Polycrisis.
"The world, as well as Lithuania, is facing problems that are even more complex and difficult to manage than ever before. The war in Ukraine and other security crises, energy, pandemics, food security, climate change, and the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution affect and may further affect everyone. However, with a joint effort, humanity can turn those challenges into new opportunities, said Rector Prof. Žalėnienė. - I am sure that we all can and want to contribute to this and we are already doing it."
MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė and Faculty Dean Prof. Darius Štitilis awarded 106 graduates of MRU's Faculty of Public Governance and Business diplomas during the graduation ceremony of which 86 were Master's Degree and 20 Bachelor's Degree.
Faculty graduate Piotr Komar of the Leadership and Change Management Programme graduated with perfect scores and at the top of his class and was awarded a MRU Leader's diploma.
A crop of international students also received diplomas including consultant and poet Desta Gebrehawaria Gebregziabher from Ethiopia who arrived on stage to receive his Master's Degree cybersecurity diploma drapped in the Ethiopian flag. Later he was joined in celebrating with his brother Aaron who flew in from Stockholm, Sweden to congratulate him.
Rower Ieva Adomavičiūtė, an Olympian, is a graduate of the Sports Industries Management program. She has participated in World and European Youth Championships and won medals in the pairs rowers event. In 2018 this athlete was awarded a bronze medal in the European championships and was champion in the World Pairs Rowing event.
Runner Rasa Mažeikaitė is a graduate of the Sports Industries Management programme as well.
There were 32 international students defending their final papers of which 29 were Master's Degree students and the remaining 3 in Bachelor's programs.
(Photos by Tautvydas Juknevičius)