January 26th, 2023, Deputy Rector Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga and Mykolas Romeris University Human and Social Studies Faculty Dean Prof. Odeta Merfeldaitė awarded Bachelor's and Master's Degree diplomas to 73 graduates of the Faculty during graduation ceremonies on campus.
The Deputy Rector addressed graduates with an inspiring speech urging graduates to maintain ties with MRU and continue learning, acquiring knowledge despite having graduated.
Graduate Violeta Lukoit graduated at the top of her class completing the Bachelor's Degree program, "English for Specific Purposes and Korean Studies" with a perfect 10 grade point average during her studies period. She was awarded a Leader's diploma.
Such a diploma was also awarded to Translation and Editing Bachelor's Degree studies programme graduate Livija Kazlauskienė.
The MRU Pop Vocal Group, led by Artūras Novikas, performed during the graduation ceremony beginning with a rendition of the famous song, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
After receiving their diplomas and posing for a group photo, graduates were congratulated with bouquets of flowers, and hugs by loved ones, friends and acquaintances.
The following international Psychology students completed their Bachelor's Degree and were awarded diplomas: Arda Iseri, Michele Koch, Irem Nur Kurt, Bahar Ozel, Kuralay Seiilkhan, Rabiga Smagul, Aistė Škarnulytė and Merve Vinckus.
Guney Umde Umay competed his European Joint Master in Social Work with Children and Youth and was awarded a diploma.
Two students from the MRU Communication Institute completed Bachelor's Degree studies and were awarded diplomas in Communication and Digital Marketing: Jamir Andres Hayek Cervera and Chia-Lun Chang.