Jan. 26th, 2022, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Deputy Rector Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga awarded diplomas to 73 graduates of MRU's Faculty of Human and Social Studies. There were 5 students who were awarded Leader's diplomas - graduating at the top of their class including class valedictorian Kristina Pliučienė, who managed to study and raise a family. Leader diplomas were also awarded to Kamilė Dimaitė, Laura Ramanauskienė, Eleonora Nicolaci from Italy and Master's degree graduate Vaida Aleknavičienė who completed the joint Master's in Social Work with Children and Youth.
There were a total of 21 students from abroad including Cameroon, Italy, Greece and many other countries that were awarded diplomas. Of the 21 students, 12 completed the joint Master's Social Work with Children and Youth programme. They received diplomas not only from MRU but also from Riga Stadins University, a partner university in the programme.
Deputy Vice-Rector Assoc. Prof. Spurga addressed graduates wishing them well. In addition, Faculty Vice-Dean for Studies Linas Selmistraitis congratulated graduates and was the MC for the event.
Graduate Pliučienė, awarded a Leader's Diploma, thanked lecturers and university staff for all their help and encouragement during studies.
Another student, Esoka M. Esme Martin, (29) from Cameroon said it was "a challenge" to study during a global pandemic, especially when many lectures were held online. "We pulled through because we are strong," he added.
Of the 73 Faculty graduates, there were 53 graduates awarded Bachelor's diplomas and 20 Master's diplomas.