June 22nd, 2020, about 70 graduates of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Institutes of Communication, Humanities and Psychology received diplomas during graduation ceremonies on campus. MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė awarded graduates diplomas along with Directors of the Institutes.
Participants of the indoor ceremony wore face masks and had opportunity to disinfect their hands before entering the auditorium. It was the first graduation ceremony held after the recall of the almost 3-month quarantine period in Lithuania earlier this month.
MRU Rector Žalėnienė congratulated graduates wishing them success and encouraging not to forget their alma mater. She said the doors of the University will always be open for all graduates.
Then with the help of Directors of the appropriate Institutes, diplomas were awarded to about 70 graduates of the three Institutes.
Friends, relatives and loved ones of the graduates watched the ceremony online. Others waited outside the University premises to congratulate the graduates and take photographs.
Acting Communication Institute Director Assoc. Prof. Virginijus Valentinavičius congratulated his Institute graduates wishing them success. He was followed by Humanities Institute Head Assoc. Prof. Liudmila Mockienė and Psychology Institute Head Assoc. Prof. Antanas Valantinas.
The graduation ceremony began with MRU Pop Vocal Group members singing several songs, which got participants and graduates clapping and smiling. The Pop Vocal Group is led by Artūras Novikas.
This year MRU graduation ceremonies were different, noted MRU Rector Prof. Žalėnienė. Due to restrictions and safety concerns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only students were allowed into the auditorium and all had to wear face masks.