
21 June, 2024
Graduates of the MRU Public Security Academy were awarded bachelor’s and master’s diplomas
Public Security Academy
21st June graduation ceremony was held at the Archangel Michael's Church (Sobor) in Kaunas for the graduates of the Public Security Academy (PSA) Bachelor's and Master's studies. Diplomas were presented to 18 bachelor and 19 master students.
"Alma Mater has prepared you to change the world. But no matter how good a university is, it is only the beginning. In the end, it's up to you. Each one of you has worked very hard to be here today,"- said the Dean of the PSA, Prof. Dr. Snieguolė Matulienė, congratulating the graduates and wishing wishing everyone to become a leader in their own path.
Once again, we congratulate the students and wish them success in their careers!
We share the moments of the graduation ceremony.