Students beginning a new academic year on September 1st at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) with a National Certificate will be able to return to contact learning in auditoriums. Those without a National Certificate (Galimybių pasas) will have alternatives. Improved learning conditions, upgraded dormitories and more cultural and extracurricular activities will be offered to members of MRU's community.
Inside the University - Only with a National Certificate
Students are able to return to auditoriums and contact learning this fall, if they have a National Certificate or a similar document. Without this document, students will not be able to return to auditoriums and attend live lectures, due to safety concerns. However, MRU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Regina Valutytė said quality of studies should not suffer as a result. The University will offer quality studies remotely. In addition, there will be great efforts made to inform students about vaccination possibilities.
"Although experience shows that the most effective way of study is contact, we understand that not everyone is getting vaccinated. That is why for some students we will offer distance studies remotely. In addition, in response to changing circumstances we will offer alternatives - two outdoor auditoriums. Here we will transfer important practical workshop lessons, which if they were held at the University, would disqualify some students - who don't have a National Certificate or similar document, from participating, said Prof. Valutytė.
MRU informs that in order to speed up contact learning processes and reach full auditoriums, there will be an opportunity to get vaccinated on campus in special Vaccination Busses. All students and nearby residents who want to get vaccinations, will be able to do so for free. Vaccination dates are September 6th and Sept. 14th.
Updated IT infrastructure
In order to improve the quality and accessibility of live lectures, the entire infrastructure of lecture broadcasting and the virtual study environment Moodle was updated at the university during the summer.
There are 20 high-definition conference cameras with multi-directional and sensitive microphones installed in University auditoriums. That is why students studying remotely will be able to better hear not only the Lecturer, but also students taking part in discussions in the auditorium. These cameras are able "to follow" lecturers around the auditorium allowing for visibility on camera while standing in front of the auditorium or moving around. The remaining MRU auditoriums should also soon be equipped with such cameras.
Better & Improved Conditions at the Student House
From this academic year, improved conditions will be noticeable not only during the lectures, but also after lectures. First of all, there have been renovations at the MRU dormitories. Occupancy is expected to reach 100 percent this year.
Due to completed renovation projects and significantly improved living conditions, both freshmen and international students are willingly choosing to live at the Student House. In one of the dorms shared showers have been completely gutted. In the autumn next to all rooms, showers and toilets will be installed. In another building, 80 percent of rooms already have showers and toilets. Other conditions are also gradually improving: on each floor there is a study, work and lounge area. The spacious kitchens are well-equipped. There is an internet connection in all rooms, which this summer MRU has improved and made faster.