The Fourth Summit of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) and the international scientific conference SOCIN’24 will take place at Mykolas Romeris University from 25-27 June 2024.
It is one of the most important events exploring the important role of social innovation in global transformation. The event will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas, foster innovation and shape the future of social innovation. Discussions between scholars and researchers will foster an academic environment where research not only goes beyond traditional boundaries, but also makes a significant contribution to societal progress. The scientific conference will explore the need and role of social innovation, focusing on, but not limited to, the thematic areas of ERUA.
The first day of the conference will be devoted to discussions in these thematic areas:
- Open Science and Accessibility;
- Measuring Societal Impact of Research;
- Nurturing Ecosystems for Social Innovations;
- Implications of Migration on Research Sustainability.
The second day of the conference will address challenges and solutions in the following areas:
- Navigating the Complexities of Migration, Exile, and Refugees;
- Democracy, Human Rights, Inclusion and Gender Equality;
- Leveraging Social Innovations for Sustainable Environmental Transition;
- Embracing Interculturality and Multilingualism;
- Arts and Edges: Unconventional Approaches to Social Change;
- ERUA Students Joint Workshop Activities.
We invite you to submit abstracts and actively participate in SOCIN'24!
Guidelines for presenting a summary of the report
- Abstract: 300-1000 words, emphasising the relevance of the presentation to the intended topics.
- Biography: Include a brief biography of each speaker, focusing on relevant knowledge and achievements.
- Contact details: full contact details (name, affiliation, email, phone number)
Important dates
- Extension of the deadline for submission of abstracts to 29 April 2024, 24:00.
- Notice of acceptance: 13 May 2024.
Submission process:
Summaries of reports must be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=socin24
For instructions on how to join the EasyChair platform, click here.