March 18th, 2022, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) organized a virtual IaH Capacity Building Webinar in the frame of Erasmus+ CBHE project “Internationalisation and Virtual Exchange: Borderless between EU and Asian Countries/ HARMONY” (No. 617223-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).
The online seminar on internationalization of curriculum based on the experience of MRU (Lithuania) was delivered to academic staff and staff involved in organization of studies at HARMONY project partner country (https://harmonyerasmusplus.eu/) universities in Bangladesh, India, Vietnam and attending EU partner institutions from Spain, Slovenia and Bulgaria.
Staff of the International Office presented an overview of MRU Strategy trends in relation to internationalization of curriculum such as development of International Joint Programmes, Double Degree arrangements, internationalization measures of national programmes.
The Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Pivorienė shared Faculty experience related to development and implementation of joint Master's Degree programmes. Advisor to the Deputy Rector on sustainable development Dr. Nomeda Gudelienė presented MRU's strategy for sustainable activities and measures supporting internationalization at the University. At the end of the seminar, incentives towards internationalization of curriculum, such as student and staff exchange, national and regional measures, were reviewed.
Project Coordinator: University of Zaragoza (Spain).
EU Partners: the European Policy Development and Research Institute (Slovenia), Varna University of Management (Bulgaria), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania).
PC Partners: Daffodil International University (Bangladesh), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (Bangladesh), The University of Danang (Vietnam), Quang Binh University (Vietnam), Vellore Institute of Technology (India), SVKM's Narsee Morjee Institute of Management Studies (Deemed-to-be University) (India), and the University of Hyderabad (India).