In October, the Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) approved an equal opportunity and diversity policy, which outlines the main principles and activities which systematically unite the entire University community.
MRU, taking into account good international academic practice and its 30 years of tradition of fostering humanistic values, seeks to further strengthen, improve and include in all University activity processes equal opportunity and diversity principles without discriminating against persons on the basis of sex, race, nationality, citizenship, language, ethnicity, social status, faith, beliefs or opinions, age, sexual orientation, disability, and religion.
"MRU not only stresses the diversity of studies and academic thought and respect for this, but also fosters each University member's individuality. We seek that our students and staff would be able to create inclusive communities, contribute to the creation of a sustainable society, fostering of humanistic values and improving the quality of life in Lithuania and abroad," said MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė.
The University foresees devoting more attention and resources to equal opportunities and diversity strengthening in the areas of research and work relations: admitting students, hiring lecturers and administration staff, making decisions regarding career, payment of salaries and allowing opportunities for an improvement in qualification, coordinating family and work commitments and other instances related to work. There will be an evaluation of University heads, staff in various position categories and student evaluation according to gender. MRU plans to initiate legal norm acts and documents. There will be workshops organised and discussions on equal opportunity and diversity questions and guidelines prepared regarding the possibilities for students and staff employees to combine work with commitments to family and for those raising small children or taking care of sick family members.
Every two years there will be a University plan prepared for implementation of equal opportunity policy and the results evaluated along with progress. There will be seminars and consultations for MRU heads, staff and students on issues of equal opportunity and diversity questions.
Respect for each individual and encouraging diversity is a core university principle. In 1988, there were 80 European university rectors that signed the Magna Charta Universitatum document, which asserts that "universities must give future generations education and training that will teach them, and through them others, to respect the great harmonies of their natural environment and of life itself” and “each university must – with due allowance for particular circumstances, ensure that its students’ freedoms are safeguarded and that they enjoy concessions in which they can acquire the culture and training, which it is their purpose to possess.” An addition to the document signed in 2020 stipulates that “universities are areas of non-discrimination and tolerance where diversity and inclusion is fostered and based on the principles of equality and justice."