Environmental LAB Head Prof. Pereira & Research Team Study Global Progress Towards SDG's - MRU

24 January, 2023
Environmental LAB Head Prof. Pereira & Research Team Study Global Progress Towards SDG’s
Research project

MRU Environmental Management LAB Head Prof. Paulo Pereira and an international team of researchers have been studying global progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

Their findings have been published in the Jan. 20th, 2023 Elsevier Journal of Cleaner Production. The article is titled, ”Key Axes of Global Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

The team indicates that “sustainability is the main theme of global development in the 21st century.”

“In this study, the first of its type, we identify the key axes of global SDG progress and their evolution over the past two decades. The findings enable mapping of overall SDG performance innovatively and improve understanding of the role of different SDG bundles and country clusters in the 2030 Agenda,” researchers write.

The international team of researchers includes: Caichun Yin, Wenwu Zhao, Bojie Fu, Michael E. Meadows, and MRU Prof. Paulo Pereira.

More about the article here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0959652622053410