June 18th, 2015, graduates of Mykolas Romeris University's Economics and Finance Management Faculty were awarded diplomas during graduation ceremonies on campus.
There were 222 Bachelor's and Master's Degree graduates that were awarded diplomas during a ceremony on campus.
During the morning ceremony MRU Rector Assoc. Prof. Algirdas Monkevičius and Faculty Dean Prof. Gintaras Černius awarded diplomas to Bachelor's Degree graduates.
"This is your and your loved ones, who helped you on this path, day," said Prof. Černius addressing graduates.
The diploma marks a certain stage in life, he added. It is also a marker that helps you as you see wider horizons.... he said.
During the afternoon ceremony, Master's Degree graduates were awarded diplomas.
The ceremonies mark the first graduation ceremonies this month at MRU. Next week graduates from other MRU Faculties will be awarded diplomas.