Dec. 9th, 2022, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) doctoral student Raimonda Bublienė successfully defended her Law PhD dissertation, “Multiple Discrimination in the Context of European Union Anti-Discrimination Law.”
Research Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Inga Daukšienė (Mykolas Romeris University, Social sciences, Law, S 001)
In the dissertation, PhD student Bublienė examined the phenomenon of multiple discrimination.
The growing migration of people and migration-related changes in society associated with this process are important aspects in the process of general globalisation of the modern world. Despite the extensive regulation of the European Union anti-discrimination law, people face obstacles that prevent them from revealing their full potential in various situations of everyday life including in Lithuania. European Union legislation prohibits discrimination. However, it continues to be widespread among all societies and in all major areas of social life. The reality is that some people experience discrimination on several grounds.
The term multiple discrimination is used win legal literature to describe the phenomenon when individuals are discriminated against for more than one reason. Multiple discrimination is a common and widespread phenomenon because various stereotypes exist related to personal qualities such as ethnicity, religion, migrant status, culture, age, gender or a combination of those characteristics.
Multiple discrimination can be experienced by various social groups or individuals. Multiple discrimination is common among immigrant and ethnic minority groups. It should also be noted that there are too many people for whom fundamental rights remain an abstract concept enshrined in law, rather than a set of effective and practical measures that can and that does change their daily lives. The EU and its Member States are still not clearly tackling the problem of multiple discrimination in their legal and policy measures, notes Bublienė.
Since there is currently no prohibition of multiple discrimination in EU anti-discrimination law and no consistent definition for what should be considered multiple discrimination, there is a need to strengthen protection against discrimination in EU Law, writes Raimonda Bublienė in her dissertation.