April 24th-28th, 2023, Czech Palacký University Olomouc Asian Studies Dept. Asst. Prof. Petra Maveekumbura Karlová, Ph.D., is visiting Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) and presenting a series of lectures on the History of Vietnam.
The first lecture was held Monday, April 24th, 16:15 in MRU's I-311 aud.
Asst. Prof. Maveekumbura will lecture in English about the History of Vietnam until 1954.
Lectures include the following topics:
1. Introduction: Vietnam Up to the Conquest of France
April 24th. (16:15-17:45)
2. French Colonization
April 25th. (14:30-16:00)
3. French Indochina Up to 1945
April 25th. (16:15-17:45)
4. The End of World War II
April 26th. (16:15-17:45)
Lectures will be held in English.
(in photo from left to right MRU Asst. Prof. Lora Tamošiūnienė, Asst. Prof. Maveekumbura Karlová, and MRU International Office Head Audra Dargytė Burokienė.)