8-10 October 2023 Prof. Dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė, Dean of the MRU Law School, and Prof. Dr. Toma Birmontienė, Professor of the Institute of Public Law, visited the University of Coimbra (Portugal), which is ranked highly in the field of law according to the global QS rankings. The visit was organized as a follow up to this year's Annual World Medical Law Congress, held in Vilnius in August, organized by the World Medical Law Association in partnership with Mykolas Romeris University. During the visit to the University of Coimbra, the concept of a new global micro-credential program in the field of medical law was developed and the implementation of a joint blended intensive program in this field in spring 2024 was agreed. The visit also led to the signing of an agreement on teaching staff and student exchanges.
In Coimbra, the representatives of the Law School visited one of the oldest libraries in Europe and the Law School located in ancient UNESCO cultural heritage building. During the visit, the Congress of Portuguese-Brazilian scientists took place, where prof. Toma Birmontienė delivered presentation of protecting patients' rights.