Dec. 6th, 2017. Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) academics took part in the international conference, "Contemporary Law: Experience of a Century and Perspectives." It was held at the Presidential Palace, (Daukanto a. 3, Vilnius).
MRU academics made presentations. Those participating included former Constitutional Court Justice Law Prof. Dr. Vytautas Sinkevičius and international and EU Law Institute Director Prof. Saulius Katuoka.
Academics and scholars from Estonia's Tartu University's Law Faculty, Vilnius University's (VU ) Law Faculty, and Ukraine's Jaroslav the Wise National Law University also participated.
The conference was organized by MRU, Vilnius University (VU) and Kaunas-based Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) in conjunction with the Justice Ministry.