June 12th, 2019, the international conference, "Illegal Tobacco Turnover & Corruption, Money Laundering and Organized Crime Interdependence" was held at the Valdovų Rūmai (Katedros a. 4). Experts from Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Moldova and Lithuania shared their experiences and good practice in this area.
The event was organized by Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) together with Lithuania's Interior Ministry, according to the university implemented "Philip Morris Products S.A." financed project, "Interdependence Between Illegal Trade in Tobacco and Corruption, Money Laundering & Organized Crime.
The Conference began with a Welcome Address by MRU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Regina Valutytė and Lithuania's Interior Ministry Vice-Minister Darius Urbonas.
Presentations by experts from Armenia, Georgia, Serbia, Albania and Lithuania followed.