COMING: Solar Energy for MRU's Student Houses - MRU

17 September, 2020
COMING: Solar Energy for MRU’s Student Houses

This year, the first solar-powered plants, which will produce and provide electricity to students at the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Student Houses on Didlaukio St., will be set up on the roofs of the buildings.

Throughout the world, solar energy is valued as one of the cleanest energy resources and also one of the cheapest ways of producing electricity. A study by the European Union (EU) indicates that the most favourable conditions for development of renewable energy are in the Baltic States. By 2050, the country's energy needs could be met only from renewable energy sources.

According to MRU Rector Prof. Dr. Inga Žalėnienė, one of the University's strategic goals is to apply the principles of an environmentally-friendly university as widely and actively as possible in the university's studies, research and campus environment.

"We are already striving to model the university's study, research, student living and leisure spaces, according to responsible consumption and ecological principles," she said. In addition, the University seeks to actively apply measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment, the Rector said.

"Erection of solar power plants is another example of implementation of sustainable university activities," she said.

It is planned that the two solar-powered plants on the roofs of the Student Houses will produce about a tenth of the needed electricity for the MRU Student Houses during the first year.

The value of the solar-powered plant installation project is more than 60,000 Euros. The project is implemented as part of the "Climate Change Programme" from funds of the University and the "Climate Change Programme". MRU expects to recuperate invested funds in about 3 years.