
17 October, 2015
BMS Professors to Attend LAST-JD Members Meeting in Bologna
Dissertation Defense | PhD
October 16-17th, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Business and Media School (BMS) Prof. Mindaugas Kiškis and Assoc. Prof. Tadas Limba attended the joint International Doctoral (PhD) Degree in Law, Science and Technology (LAST-JD) consortium members meeting in Bologna, Italy.
Consortium members discussed doctoral programme implementation and development issues.
Members of the consortium include: the University of Bologna; the University of Turin; the Autonomous University of Barcelona; the University of Luxembourg; the University of Tilburg; and Mykolas Romeris University.
More about the PhD programme here.
MRU Prof. Kiškis heads the MRU Intellectual Property Laboratory. Assoc. Prof. Limba is head of the joint Digital and Creative Industries Laboratory operated together with Korea's Dongseo University.