Blind from birth, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) student Justinas Kilčiauskas is pursuing studies in Internet Management and Communication.
Smart, self-sufficient, and hard-working, he's someone that tries to use his time wisely. "Time is precious," he says and it's better not to waste it, he explains.
The 21-year-old is a top Bachelor's Degree student with a GPA of about 9.5 he says. "I study in order to know more and not to be the best."
Justinas hopes that a Bachelor's Degree diploma will land him a good job.
"My priority is to get as much knowledge as possible from the University," he explains.
He has no time for pity. "As a blind person, I don't think about that one day I will see," he said. To think about that is a waste of time.
When not studying, he is programming and creating Internet web pages. He said he has helped in creation of an Android App for the blind.
At MRU he has several friends who are also blind.
He comes to lectures by bus and is aided by his white cane, which he always has with him.
And about his life as a blind student he has an answer.
"For those who have a million and then go bust, it's difficult. For those that don't have that million, but want it, life goes on," Justinas explained.
You can want a lot, but it's necessary to seek that which you can achieve, he said.