April 10th, 2018, Belarus Academic Dr. Valery Yevarouski presented a lecture: Alcoholic Experience: From Existential Phenomenology to Neuroscience and Back Again."
Dr. Yevarouski is Head of the Centre for History and Philosophy and Comparative Studies at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. He is also a Fulbright Research Scholar at the Kennan Institute Wilson Centre. Yevarouski is the founder of the Alcohol Addiction Philosophy Project.
The lecture included a philosophical synthesis of the key concepts of alcohol addiction neuroscience (the anhedonia hypothesis, the want-like system, the incentive salience hypothesis) and psychology (the rational choice model). As a core component, the experience is reconstructed to become habitual during subsequent alcohol misuse. The existential phenomenology (Ludwig Binswanger) interpretation is also provided.
The lecture was organized by Mykolas Romeris University's Values Research LAB.