Austria's JKU Prof. Dr. Schneider Visited MRU Dec. 7th - MRU

8 December, 2015
Austria’s JKU Prof. Dr. Schneider Visited MRU Dec. 7th

Dec. 7th, 2015, Austria's Johannes Kepler Linz University (JKU) Prof. Dr. H.C. Friedrich Schneider visited Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) and met with Rector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Algirdas Monkevičius.

Prof. Schneider toured MRU, discussed existing and future cooperation possibilities. He also met with Banking and Investment Dept. Prof. Dr. Ligita Gasparėnienė and Assoc. Prof. Rita Remeikienė.

MRU actively cooperates with JKU and there are student and lecturer exchanges each year. The two universities implement a joint programme together, "Comparative Social Policy and Welfare."

On Dec. 8th, Prof. Schneider participated in the MRU and Lithuanian Government's Chancellor's Office discussion, "Underground Economy Evaluation Methods and Latest Research Results." He presented a paper, "How to Calculate the Underground Economy and Latest Tendenices."