May 5th, 2017, fresh from a seminar in Vilnius, Law Faculty graduates (2006) Panevėžys attorney Kastytis Paspirgėlis and his fellow classmate now attorney's legal aide, Juozas Talalas, stopped by MRU, their alma mater.
They wanted to dine in the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) cafeteria and reminisce before the 90-minute drive back to Panevėžys. They also stopped by to visit the MRU Library.
"Romeris gave us everything," said Paspirgėlis, who runs a successful law practice with offices in Panevėžys and Kupiškis. He and Talalas were awarded Bachelor's Degrees in 2004 and Master's in 2006.
He and his Legal Aide, Talalas agreed that if they had to do it all again, they would study Law at MRU.
"But just because you graduate with a Law Degree, does not guarantee success," he said. "You have to keep learning, reading up," Paspirgėlis said about the need to continue acquiring knowledge after graduation.
However, MRU gave us everything we needed "for a great start," he said, looking around MRU's Library.
Talalas said that they don't feel any "smaller" than graduates from other Lithuanian universities - such as Vilnius University (VU).
They especially praised Prof. Algimantas Dziegoraitis, Prof. Algimantas Urmonas, Constitutional Law scholar and long-time MRU Prof. Juozas Žilys as outstanding academics.
Speaking of his fellow classmates, he said that none of them have left to work abroad, with the exception of two female graduates. One is in Italy and another left for the U.S. The rest, as they noticed at a recent class reunion, are all working in the legal profession and living in Lithuania.
It's perfect, says Paspirgėlis, who has been practicing law since 2010. His only regret on this visit at MRU was that the 1st floor cafe was closed down. We had many great meals there as students, he said.