June 22nd, 2023, more than 700 graduates of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) were awarded diplomas during graduation ceremonies on campus. At "End-of-Academic-Year" celebrations, the first Head of Lithuania after it regained independence and MRU Honorary Doctor Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis congratulated those gathered at the event.
Two academics from France's Savoie Mont Blanc University (Université Savoie Mont Blanc - USMB) including President Prof. Philippe Galez were awarded Honorary titles.
USMB President Prof. Galez was awarded the title of Honorary Profesor and recognized for progress in higher education and long-term successful cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University as well as the development of academic exchanges and research. USMB Prof. Eric Brunat was awarded the title of Honorary MRU member for his long-term commitment and heading of the joint Master's Degree programme, "European and International Business Law."
Leader's Diplomas For Those Graduating at the Top of Their Class
June 22nd, there were 244 Bachelor's Degree diplomas and 549 Master's diplomas awarded during graduation ceremonies. A total of 24 students graduated at the top of their class and were awarded special Leader's diplomas. At MRU's Law School, 6 Leader's diplomas were awarded to graduates including Baku lawyer Khadija Imranova who completed a Law, Technology and Business Master's Degree programme. There were 12 Leader's diplomas awarded to graduates of the Faculty of Public Governance and Business and an additional 6 to graduates of the Human and Social Studies Faculty.
MRU Honorary Doctor Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis was greeted with warm applause. He noted the complicated geopolitical situation relating to the War in Ukraine and wished MRU's academic community and guests to pass all of life's exams.
MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė congratulated graduates, their loved ones, guests and the academic community on this exceptional day. As Vice-President of the International Association of Universities (IAU), Rector Žalėnienė noted that graduates can be proud of their Alma Mater. The number of graduates has reached about 50,000.
Among Lithuania's universities, MRU is a leader among international competition with high positions in international rankings. MRU's Law School is highly-rated in the area of Law and continues to implement innovative studies programmes.
According to Rector Prof. Žalėnienė, MRU's joining of the European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) was an important achievement this year. Alliance partners are united by the goal of breaking down barriers between academia and the general public, and with original interdisciplinary collaboration that allows for the integration of social sciences and humanities, arts and natural sciences in the context of STEM.
MRU Students and Staff Awarded for Initiatives and Achievements
At the celebration marking the end of the academic year, MRU community members were recognized for their initiatives. Awards were handed out for: Initiative-of-the-Year, Best Event of the Year, Team of the Year, Most Health-Conscious Member. There were also awards for best Faculty lecturers, students and staff members. The #walk15 challenge was recognized as Initiative of the Year; Best Team - Law School; Best Law Student - Karolis Dičkus, Best Law School Lecturer - Assoc. Prof. Juozas Valčiukas, Best Public Security Academy Lecturer - Prof. Snieguolė Matulienė, Best Human and Social Studies Faculty Lecturer - Prof. Linas Selmistraitis and Best Public Governance and Business Faculty Lecturer - Assoc. Prof. Marius Laurinaitis.
MRU Public Security Academy student Tautvydas Stašaitis was recognized for the steps he walked participating in the #walk15 competition encouraging staff and students to take up walking and to exercise. Stašaitis managed to walk the most steps - 45,238 during a one-day period.
In addition, MRU Human and Social Studies Faculty Lecturer and researcher Dr. Isabel Palomo Dominguez was recognized as the winner of the "Dream Bank 2023" competition.
Applause for MRU Lithuania's Grand Duchy Orchestra Which Made Its Debut
The newly-established MRU Lithuania's Grand Duchy Orchestra performed for the first time at the end-of-the-academic year celebrations.
The Orchestra, which is headed by Maria Mirovska, who lives in Vilnius unites musicians from Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. Many of them were forced to flee after Russia began the War in Ukraine and political repressions began in Belarus.
The mission of the Orchestra is not only to acquaint the University community and the wider community audience with rarely performed composers works, but also to allow cooperation between various musicians from different countries who will make classical music more popular.
The audience was impressed by the Orchestra's interpretation of Lithuanian and Ukrainian composers' compositions. After the concert, Prof. Landsbergis spent some time talking with the musicians. Prof. Landsbergis is known as an art, music and cultural historian.
MRU Alumni, Students, Lecturers, Staff and Guests Continued Celebrating at the "Orange Festival"
University Deputy Rector Assoc. Prof. Saulius Spurga welcomed alumni, who came to the end-of-the-year ceremonies. Alumni were awarded special MRU badges. They had an opportunity to take part in a quiz and tour the University.
The highlight of the event was the "Orange Festival" held in the inner courtyard of the University. Guests and MRU community members had the opportunity to taste the MRU traditional cake and meet in the Chill recreational zone to continue celebrating.