April 14th-15th, 2023, the two-day Lithuanian Psychologists Congress 2023, organized by the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies and the Lithuanian Psychologists Union, was held at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). On the first day, more than 100 scientists and practitioners from various fields of psychology were in attendance.
The Congress started with representatives of the MRU Faculty of Human and Social Studies including Dean Prof. Dr. Odeta Merfeldaitė making introductory remarks. Also welcoming participants was MRU Prof. Dr. Mykolas Simas Poškus and Lithuanian Psychologists Union President Aina Adomaitytė. During the opening of the Congress, psychotherapist and school psychologist Žydrė Arlauskaitė was awarded the Professor A. Gučas prize.
After the opening remarks, MRU Prof. Danielius Serapinas delivered a plenary report related to empirical studies of the reciprocity of psychology, physiology and genetics. Later, the first session took place during which MRU academics - Prof. Dr. Goda Kaniušonytė, doctoral student Aistė Bakaitytė, doctoral student Audra Balundė, Prof. Dr. Mykolas Simas Poškus and others delivered presentations related to environmental, developmental and educational psychology.
Before the second session, health psychologist prof. Dr. Aistė Pranckevičienė read the plenary report "Neuropsychology in the field of clinical psychology". During the second session, symposia were held, reports were read on the topic of educational psychology. Lithuanian and foreign scientists from various fields shared good experience and practical research. Session presentations covered neuropsychology and educational psychology, psychological and sociocultural aspects.
One of the more interesting sessions was the presentation by psychology researcher-practitioner Dr. Tom Van Daele. He delivered a plenary talk in English "Is There a Way Back?" No Turning Back Now? The Potential of Technology for Mental Healthcare. This session featured practical presentations on clinical, health and legal psychology topics.