Jan. 29th, 2016, Lithuania's General Prosecutor Evaldas Pašilis delivered the commencement address at the Law Faculty graduation ceremony telling graduates to put their knowledge to good use in life.
He told graduates that for some of them there may be room at the Prosecutor's Office.
The General Prosecutor was one of a number of distinguished guests that graced the graduation ceremony. Others included Interior Minister Saulius Skvernelis, Seimas parliament member Stasys Šedbaras, Lithuania's Supreme Court Justice Dalia Vasarienė and Appellate Court Justice Prof. E. Tamošiūnienė.
Rector Assoc. Prof. A. Monkevičius awarded a total of 131 Bachelor's Degrees and 13 Master's Degrees during the ceremony.
Law Faculty Dean Lyra Jakulevičienė congratulated graduates telling them not to be afraid.
She said that sometimes fear prevents one from going further and seeking more.
In those cases, when you are afraid, ask yourself how you would act, if you weren't afraid, she said.
She encouraged students to further their careers and pursue studies in the Master's Degree programme.
Two students, graduating at the top of their class, Simona Bareikytė and Dovilė Apanavičiūtė said they plan to study in the Master's Degree programme in the fall.