Jan. 29th, 2019, MRU Assoc. Law Prof. Ieva Deviatnikovaitė and Fulbright Scholar lectured on "The Roots of Administrative Law" at St. Thomas University in U.S. to law students.
She was introduced as "one of Europe's leading, most distinguished, and prolific scholars in the area of administrative and constitutional law."
Her lecture discussed the beginning of administrative law mentioning ancient times and the Code of Hammurabi. Also, she discussed the 15th-16th centuries including the British Star Chamber Court or Board of Trade and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Statutes.
In addition, she discussed administrative law as a branch of law, including the establishment of Conseil d'Etat in 1799, the publication of the first book on Administrative Law in 1814 and other significant aspects of the formation of contemporary administrative law in Europe.
Assoc. Prof. Deviatnikovaitė is the author of 25 articles and co-author of several books and the author of textbooks: "National Administrative Law" and "Comparative and European Administrative Law".